Our Process


Our four-stage plan for success



Before we write a single line of code, we need to fully understand your users, the problems they face, and the business model for your app. This knowledge is fundamental to the success of the project, and helps guide decisions in the following stages.


Consult + Evaluate

We’ll have a call or an in-person meeting to cover your idea, your needs (team, stack, timeline, budget), and our process to make sure we’re a good match. Learn how we can best work together and get an estimate of what working with LunarLincoln would look like.

Research + Feature Set

We’ll define goals, users, and potential features in detail. If needed, we can undertake market and user research to gain a richer picture of your potential audience. We’ll start drafting the MVP feature set and digging into the details of why and how your audience will use your app. 

User Stories + Flow

We map features to objectives – not the other way around. Our user stories cover both features and actions a user will take while using the app: “A user can log into the app using email and password”. These user stories and flows will form the basis of the visual design and development estimates.


Wireframes + Brand Identity

Wireframes are the lo-fi representation of how a user will move through your app. View them as architectural plans. With wireframes and a style guide solidified we can then begin apply the full design. This is the best stage to really experiment in. 

User Interface + Experience Design

Apps are more than just software; they’re experiences. We put your users first, custom tailoring intuitive and beautiful interfaces that fully immerse and engage your audience while also reinforcing your brand.

Prototypes + User Testing

Don’t just design it, use it! Validate your features and UX with a custom prototype. We can guide you through user testing sessions to ensure that you’re building the right thing before we ever write a line of code—saving money and user churn post-launch. 


What’s under the hood is important, but your users will only see the surface. Make sure the design experience is just as flawless as the engine. 



Our proficiency in the latest technologies allows us to build solutions that scale and last.

Estimation + Scheduling

We break the designs into small features and estimate each one. We then compare the estimate and value of each feature and prioritize them into versions (MVP, V1, and V2, etc.).

Architecture + Coding

We use the feature set and required integrations to architect a technical plan for your app. Then we use the latest technologies and best practices to build high quality, maintainable apps.

Testing + Quality Assurance

We use a variety of methods to battle test your app on a multitude of devices. We iterate on each build to ensure it mirrors the specifications and conforms to the highest standards.


Deployment + App Stores

3…2…1…liftoff! We help you effortlessly ship the latest versions of your app through continous deployment. Whether you want to deploy to a handful of beta users, a private enterprise, or the general public, we’ve got your covered. With thousands of launches under our belts, we know how to navigate every major app store.

Support + Maintenance

Technology moves fast, especially on the mobile front. We’ll keep you abreast by adapting your app to the latest devices and technologies. As your user’s needs evolve we can repeat this process to add additional functionality to your apps.

Analytics + Growth

Make sure your launch is a success with a marketing plan. Drive traffic to your app store listing through strong PR, social media, web, and advertising campaigns. We can match you with a tailored plan or an experienced partner deepending on your needs.


The app launch is just the beginning. Now that your software is in the hands of the public, where do you go next?

How does this look in action?


Communication & Transparency

Direct Access

There are no project managers at LunarLincoln, no man-in-the-middle. Talk directly with the designer or developer and ensure your vision isn’t mistranslated.

Transparent Tools

We use Jira and Confluence for all notes and work tickets. You can access what we’ve decided or what we’re working on from anywhere at anytime.

Standups & Builds

Building an app is an ongoing and everchanging process and we keep you up to date and engaged with weekly stand ups and test builds.