Get expert mobile advice at the moment you need it most. 


Bring your team up to speed on new tech with custom training sessions on new or unfamiliar topics


Get help with architecting, estimating, or exploring long term plans and goals for a new project.


Explore outside perspectives with fresh suggestions and advice for your venture.


Ensure that your potential candidates are proficient in the areas you’re hiring for.

Who is this for? You, of course. 

We can tailor our knowledge to fit most anyone or any group. Here’s a laundry list of people who may best benefit from an engagement with Wiley or Jennifer: 

  • CEOs, CTOs, CMOs, CDOs
  • Web teams (full or empty stack)
  • Hybrid teams (come to the dark side)
  • Hardware teams (firmware meet software)
  • Developers (jr, mid, sr,  and ninja)
  • Product, project, and pro managers
  • Hiring managers and recruiters
Are you one of these people? Reach out!

Even if you’re not one of these people. you might still be interested, and so would we! So click that button anyways. 

What is it like?

We can structure our engagement into one of three formats which offer varying live sessions, take aways, and on going support. 

Strategy Review and/or Development
We take a third-party, unbiased review of a technical approach and offer our suggestions for improvement and consideration. Included in this engagement is a presentation of findings and ongoing access for follow up questions/advice for two weeks afterwards.  

Single Issue Deep Dive
We present on a specific, technical topic of your choosing. Included in this engagement is a presentation, live code examples, and interactive Q & A. Participants take home slides and code examples and we are available to answer questions for a week following the talk.  

Executive Workshop
We give guidance and advice at a high level. This can cover topics such as hiring, scrum practices, project planning, product pricing, or technology trends in your industry. Included in this engagement is a presentation and interactive Q & A. We are available to offer advice for a month following the talk.  

Know what you need? Set up a session here.

What kinds of things do you talk about?

While we’re happy to talk on a myriad of subjects, below are a few areas that we have unique and rare experience in due to our past experience at LunarLincoln.  

  • Bluetooth Low Energy
  • Hardware / Software Integrations
  • Location Tracking
  • VOIP calling and messaging
  • Health Tracking
  • Native Mobile Apps – iOS & Android
  • Product Planning / MVPs
  • Hiring for native mobile developers
  • Early Stage User Testing & Market Fit

Why should I use you? 

Wiley & Jennifer each have over a decade of a experience in their industries (mobile development & design). They’ve shipped dozens of apps, advised numerous teams, and worked with both startup and enterprise projects. Below are a few places they have spoken in recent years. 

  • DevFest Nashville
  • Nashville Cocoaheads Meetup: 
  • TechLadies Meetup
  • BarCamp
  • VandyHacks
  • MTSU Association for Computer Machinery
  • Healthways
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